
Tour of Go

Exercise: Tour of Go
Labels: Beginner
Time to complete: 2-3 days
What will you learn: Go basics, language syntax, and construct familiarity.
How to evaluate your solution: Complete all sections of the Tour of Go.
Also, look at specific sections of https://www.golangprograms.com/go-language.html to ensure you understand concepts such as
  • functions vs methods,
  • panic and recovery,
  • complex data types and their behaviour - arrays, slices, maps, structs
  • interfaces and packages in Go
Create a public repo with the name $your_name-golang-learning and push all your local code changes for Tour of Go in this repo.
At this point, you should install Go locally and be able to run and debug Go programs locally in VS Code.
If you’re a fan of videos, then you will find these useful.